Updates on CAICE Researchers

As the centerpiece wave flume experiments take on momentum, excitement is mounting for work within the center.  Two new postdoctoral researchers will join the science team and two other students working on CAICE projects have been awarded fellowships.

Luis Cuadra-Rodriguez joined the Prather Group as a postdoctoral researcher on May 2, 2011.  He recently graduated with a PhD in chemistry from the University of Colorado at Boulder.  His work with Barney Ellison’s Group at CU-Boulder involved aerosol water uptake properties and mass spectrometry techniques.

Timothy Guasco will join the Prather Group as a postdoctoral researcher on June 1, 2011, after graduating with a PhD in chemistry from Yale University.  His work with Mark Johnson’s Group at Yale involved vibrational spectroscopy of water clusters.

Olivia Ryder, a graduate student in the Bertram Group, has been awarded a Graduate Research Fellowship from the National Science Foundation.  This prestigious fellowship will help her continue her research with CAICE on trace gas uptake kinetics on marine aerosols.

Mallory Pickett, an undergraduate student in the Prather Group, has been awarded a Calit2 Undergraduate Summer Research Scholarship. She will be working on a focused project concerning marine aerosols.  Her scholarship also involves various seminars and opportunities for scholars to network and broaden their experience during the summer.

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